Here a lump of wet clay is transformed into an original work of art.
Step 1.  Using a variety of tools for sculpting, from toothpicks to hair combs, the clay is slowly molded and sculpted into a recognizable form.
Step 2.  The clay is allowed to dry to a leather-hard stage, and is then cut into sections and carefully hollowed out.  This prevents the piece from exploding in the kiln. 
Step 3.  The hollow sculpture is then reassembled and "glued" back together with wet clay slip.
Step 4.  After drying, the fragile unfired clay (greenware) is put into a large kiln to be slowly fired for several hours.
Step 5.  Before removing it from the kiln, the finished sculpture (hard bisque) must cool slowly to prevent cracking.
Step 6.  If color is desired it is hand painted with glaze and re-fired.  This is often done in several stages with multiple firings.

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